Its the full moon. What do you do?
It’s that time again. The moon cycle has reached it’s peak. Now is a great time to give things to the moon. Like regret, worry, anger, overwhelm, overthinking. Trust that you can ask the moon (alongside what you already believe in) in assisting you on this journey..
Try modifying an affirmation for the new moon.
Look at the moon while reciting your statement.
Here’s mine
“This new moon I am giving up the feeling of overwhelm. I am giving up the fear of success, and I am thankful for that. I am so excited to have an online source of income and unlimited travel. I look forward to helping others and doing good in the world. I promise to never doubt my abilities and to go at things whole heartedly knowing I’m divinely guided and protected.”
Now make your own to uniquely connect with the moon in your own way.
here are some curated ways to connect with the moon
Spiritual meaning of this full moon in October 2022
now I’m off go take some photos of the moon on this beautifully clear October night.
Here’s a photo I took a few years back.